Anime Series: Gilgamesh
Number of Episodes: 26 Episodes
Genre: Action, Drama, Mystery, Horror
Summary: Gilgamesh is a dark and apocalyptic anime series that is based on the original story by Shotaro Ishinomori. Gilgamesh is set in the super present and the plot revolves around characters who can be divided into four groups: The Countess and the Orga-Superior, the Mitleid Corporation, the siblings, and the Gilgamesh. With the development of the plot, the past and motives of the characters, and their relationships with one another are exposed.
Number of Episodes: 26 Episodes
Genre: Action, Drama, Mystery, Horror
Summary: Gilgamesh is a dark and apocalyptic anime series that is based on the original story by Shotaro Ishinomori. Gilgamesh is set in the super present and the plot revolves around characters who can be divided into four groups: The Countess and the Orga-Superior, the Mitleid Corporation, the siblings, and the Gilgamesh. With the development of the plot, the past and motives of the characters, and their relationships with one another are exposed.