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Anime Name: Rurouni Kenshin/ Samurai X
Genre: Action, Comedy, Adventure, Fantasy, Swords
Summary: During the Tokugawa Era fierce battles have arisen in the struggle for the control over Japan. At this moment in history a samurai became known as Battousai "the manslayer." His name brings fear to anyone that hears it, and the story start as you are introduced to a seemingly gentle-natured samurai who calls himself Kenshin Himura, a wanderer. He carries with him a reversed-edged sword, and meets a feisty girl named Kaoru. The story goes on as Kenshin Himura, a wanderer, does his best to protect his new found friends even though his past inevitably haunts him.
Genre: Action, Comedy, Adventure, Fantasy, Swords
Summary: During the Tokugawa Era fierce battles have arisen in the struggle for the control over Japan. At this moment in history a samurai became known as Battousai "the manslayer." His name brings fear to anyone that hears it, and the story start as you are introduced to a seemingly gentle-natured samurai who calls himself Kenshin Himura, a wanderer. He carries with him a reversed-edged sword, and meets a feisty girl named Kaoru. The story goes on as Kenshin Himura, a wanderer, does his best to protect his new found friends even though his past inevitably haunts him.